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Breast Ultrasound

What does a breast ultrasound examination involve?

Firstly, the exam requires no preparation and is a simple painless procedure. Therefore, no need for additional anxiety.

The examination is performed by a certified radiologist or a sonographer. It involves the use of an ultrasound machine which emits high frequency sound waves and uses these to determine the nature of tissues.

A gel is applied onto the surface of the breast and a mechanical device called a probe is used to examine the breast tissues systematically.All for quadrants of the breast are then examined inclusive of the axilla (armpit). 

Cancer in Kenya

Cancer ranks third among the main causes of death in Kenya after infections and cardiovascular diseases. It accounts for up to 18 000 deaths annually, and up to 60% of those who die are in the most productive years of their lives. The five most common malignancies among men in Kenya are oesophagus cancer, prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, liver and stomach cancer. HIV/AIDS is worsening the epidemic, particularly by increasing the incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma. In addition, a major cancer epidemic may unfold among patients benefiting from antiretroviral therapies. While patients may survive AIDS, viral associated malignancies that thrive on immunosuppression pose a serious threat.

Pediatric Asthma Admission Is Less Likely with Early Steroid Administration Every 30-minute delay in steroid treatment increased

In a prospective observational study, researchers assessed whether early administration of corticosteroids reduces hospital admission in children (age range, 2–17 years) with moderate to severe asthma exacerbations (Pediatric Respiratory Assessment Measure score 5 to 12).