Dr. Oyoo, Omondi
Profession Summary
MBChB, MMed ,
Consultant Physician, Rheumatologist
Medical Board Number:A2891
Professional Training
MBChB University of NairobiMMed University of Nairobi
Membership of Professional Bodies
American College of RheumatologyPublications
- "Prevalence of gastroduodenal lesions in chronic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug users presenting with dyspepsia at the Kenyatta National Hospital .Afr J Rheumatol 2014; 2(1): 29-34"Wanjohi W, Ogutu E, Oyoo GO, Kioko HM, Radia K, Mutie TM.
- "An evaluation of quality of life in ambulatory patients with systemic lupus erythematosus attending rheumatology clinic in Kenyatta National Hospital Afr J Rheumatol 2014; 2(1): 18-22"Odhiambo J1, Oyoo GO1, Amayo E.
- "Pulmonary manifestations in scleroderma: A review. Afr J Rheumatol 2014; 2(1): 4-12"Genga E, Oyoo GO.
- "Patterns of knee, Hip and hand osteoarthritis in Kenyatta National Hospital. East African orthopaedic Journal 2013; 7;53-56." Nour H A, Oyoo G O, Joshi M D, and Otsyeno F M T.
- "Assessment of pulmonary function in rheumatoid arthritis patients attending rheumatology clinics in Nairobi. Afr J Rheumatol 2013;1(2):74-79."Biomdo I, Oyoo G O, Mecha J and Chakaya M.
- " Prevalence of fibromyalgia in ambulatory HIV positive patients with musculoskeletal pain at comprehensive care clinic, kenyatta National Hospital. Afr J Rheumatol 2013;1(2)80-85."Malombe N M, Oyoo G O, Maritim M C, and Kwasa J.
- "Steroid abuse;two wrongs don't make right: A case report. Afr J rheumatol 2013;1(2): 89-94."Kamau E W and Oyoo G O.
- "Prevalence of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in patients classified as rheumatoid and undifferentiated arthritis at Kenyatta National Hospital. East African Medical Journal 2012; 89: 206-211"Ayunga A O, Oyoo G O, Amayo E O and Amayo A A .
- "Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi Kenya. Afr J Rheumatol 2013; 1(1): 15-22." Kiriu F G O Oyoo, E N Ogola and EO Amayo.
- "Periipheralarterial disease in rheumatoid arthritis patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital East African Medical Journal 2011; 88: 399-408."Ganda, B, Oyoo G O, J Kayima and MC Maritim.
- "Prevalence of fibromyalgia at the medical outpatient clinic at the Kenyatta National Hospital East African Medical Journal 2011; 88:155-162."Dokwe M S, Oyoo G O Amayo E O
- "Pulmonary manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis: a review Afr J Rheumatol 2013; 1(1): 3-9."Biomdo I C, Oyoo G O
- "Characteristics of systemic sclerosis patients in Nairobi: a retrospective study Afr J Rheumatol 2013;1(1): 23-27"Ilovi C S, Oyoo G O
- "Platelet counts in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at the Kenyatta National Hospital Afri J Rheumatol 2013; 1(1): 28-32."Mbuthia BM, Oyoo G O, Kitonyi.
- "Patient's global assessment of disease activity and patient's assessment of general health for rheumatoid arthritis activity assessment: are they equivalent? Ann Rheum Dis. 2012;71:1942-1949." Khan NA, Spencer HJ, Abda EA, Alten R, Pohl C, Ancuta C, Cazzato M, Géher P, Gossec L, Henrohn D, Hetland ML, Inanc N, Jacobs JW, Kerzberg E, Majdan M, Oyoo O, Peredo-Wende RA, Selim ZI, Skopouli FN, Sulli A, Hørslev-Petersen K, Taylor PC, Sokka T; on behalf of QUEST-RA group.
- "Stepping into the state of rheumatology in East Africa. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012 ; 51(8):1345-6."Oyoo O, Moots RJ, Ganda B.
- "Osteoarthritis: A look at pathophysiology and approach to new treatments: A review. East African orthopaedic Journal 2011; 5; 51-57."S H Hassanali and G O Oyoo.
- "An evaluation of health related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid . East African orthopaedic Journal 2011; 5; 40-45."G O Oyoo, B O Owino and C F Otieno.
- " A phase I trial to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of low-dose methotrexate as an anti-malarial drug in Kenyan adult healthy volunteers.Malar J. 2011 Mar 16;10:63. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-10-63."Chilengi R, Juma R, Abdallah AM, Bashraheil M, Lodenyo H, Nyakundi P, Anabwani E, Salim A, Mwambingu G, Wenwa E, Jemutai J, Kipkeu C, Oyoo GO, Muchohi SN, Kokwaro G, Niehues T, Lang T, Nzila A.
- "Smokers and non-smokers with rheumatoid arthritis have similar clinical status: data from the multinational QUEST-RA database Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2010; 28: 820-827."Naranjo1, S. Toloza2, I. Guimaraes da Silveira3, J. Lazovskis4, M.L. Hetland5.H. Hamoud6, T. Peets7, H. Mäkinen8, L. Gossec9, G. Herborn10, F.N. Skopouli11,B. Rojkovich12, A. Aggarwal13, P. Minnock14, M. Cazzato15, H. Yamanaka16, O. Oyoo17,S. Rexhepi18, D. Andersone19, A. Baranauskaite20, N. Hajjaj-Hassouni21, J.W.G. Jacobs22,G. Haugeberg23, S. Sierakowski24, R. Ionescu25, D. Karateew26, A. Dimic27,D. Henrohn28, F. Gogus29, H. Badsha30, E. Choy31, M. Bergman32, T. Sokka33 .
- "Prevalence and characteristics of articular manifestations in Human imunodeficiency virus infection. East African Medical Journal. 2010;87 :408-414."P E Ekwom, G O Oyoo, E O Amayo and I M Murithi.
- "The ILAR-East Africa initiative: current needs and progress in the globalization of rheumatology. Clin Rheumatol 2011;30:251-253."Colmegna I, Bartlett SJ, Oyoo OG
- "Gender, body mass index and rheumatoid arthritis disease activity: results from the QUEST-RA Study.Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010 Jul-Aug;28(4):454-61. Epub 2010 Aug 30."Jawaheer D, Olsen J, Lahiff M, Forsberg S, Lähteenmäki J, da Silveira IG, Rocha FA, Magalhães Laurindo IM, Henrique da Mota LM, Drosos AA, Murphy E, Sheehy C, Quirke E, Cutolo M, Rexhepi S, Dadoniene J, Verstappen SM, Sokka T; QUEST-RA.Collaborators (147)Toloza S, Aguero S, Barrera SO, Retamozo S, Alba P, Lascano C, Babini A, Albiero E, Pinheiro Gda R, da Mota LM, da Silveira IG, Rocha FA, Laurindo IM, Lazovskis J, Hetland ML, Hørslev-Petersen K, Hansen TM, Knudsen LS, Hamoud H, Sobhy M, Fahmy A, Magdy M, Aly H, Saeid H, Nagm A, Fathi NA, Abda E, Ebraheam Z, Müller R, Kuuse R, Tammaru M, Kallikorm R, Peets T, Otsa K, Laas K, Valter I, Mäkinen H, Immonen K, Forsberg S, Lähteenmäki J, Luukkainen R, Gossec L, Dougados M, Maillefert JF, Combe B, Sibilia J, Drosos AA, Exarchou S, Moutsopoulos HM, Tsirogianni A, Skopouli FN, Mavrommati M, Herborn G, Rau R, Alten R, Pohl C, Burmester GR, Marsmann B, Géher P, Rojkovich B, Ujfalussy I, Bresnihan B, Minnock P, Murphy E, Sheehy C, Quirke E, Devlin J, Alraqi S, Aggarwal A, Pandya S, Sharma B, Cazzato M, Bombardieri S, Ferraccioli G, Morelli A, Cutolo M, Salaffi F, Stancati A, Yamanaka H, Nakajima A, Fukuda W, Shono E, Oyoo O,Rexhepi S, Rexhepi M, Anderson D, Stradina P, Stropuviene S, Dadoniene J, Baranauskaite A, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Benbouazza K, Allali F, Bahiri R, Amine B, Verstappen SM, Jacobs JW, Huisman M, Hoekstra M, Haugeberg G, Gjelberg H, Sierakowski S, Majdan M, Romanowski W, Tlustochowicz W, Kapolka D, Sadkiewicz S, Zarowny-Wierzbinska D, Ionescu R, Predeteanu D, Karateev D, Luchikhina E, Chichasova N, Badokin V, Skakic V, Dimic A, Nedovic J, Stankovic A, Naranjo A, Rodríguez-Lozano C, Calvo-Alen J, Belmonte M, Baecklund E, Henrohn D, Oding R, Liveborn M, Holmqvist AC, Gogus F, Tunc R, Celic S, Badsha H, Mofti A, Taylor P, McClinton C, Cross C, Woolf A, Chorghade G, Choy E, Kelly S, Pincus T, Yazici Y, Bergman M, Craig-Muller J, Sokka T, Kautiainen H, Swearingen C, Pincus T.
- "Work disability remains a major problem in rheumatoid arthritis in the 2000s: data from 32 countries in the QUEST-RA Study. Arthritis Res Ther. 2010 Mar 12;12(2):R42. [Epub ahead of print]."Sokka T, Kautiainen H, Pincus T, Verstappen SM, Aggarwal A, Alten R, Andersone D, Badsha H, Baecklund E, Belmonte M, Craig-Müller J, da Mota LM, Dimic A, Fathi NA, Ferraccioli G, Fukuda W, Géher P, Gogus F, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hamoud H, Haugeberg G, Henrohn D, Horslev-Petersen K, Ionescu R, Karateew D, Kuuse R, Laurindo IM, Lazovskis J, Luukkainen R, Mofti A, Murphy E, Nakajima A, Oyoo O, Pandya SC, Pohl C, Predeteanu D, Rexhepi M, Rexhepi S, Sharma B, Shono E, Sibilia J, Sierakowski S, Skopouli FN, Stropuviene S, Toloza S, Valter I, Woolf A, Yamanaka H; the QUEST-RA study group.
- "Socio-demographic and clinical aspects of rheumatoid arthritis. East Afr Med J. 2009;86:204-211."B O Owino, G O Oyoo and C F Otieno.
- "Stratification of persons with diabetes into risk categories for foot ulceration,. East afr Med J. 2009;86:233-239."E Mugambi -Nturibi, C F otieno, T O O kwasa, G O Oyoo and K Acharya.
- "Report of the Fifth African League Against Rheumatism Congress in Nairobi, Kenya. Clin Rheumatol 2007; 26: 1033-1035."Oyoo, G O and Mody G M.
- "Practice of rheumatology in Africa:Challenges and Opportunities. East African Medical Journal 2007; 84:401-403."G M Mody and G O Oyoo.
- "Osteoporosis--from hormonal replacement therapy to bisphosphonates and beyond: a review.East Afr Med J. 2007 Nov;84(11):534-45."Oyoo G O and Kariuki J G.
- "Rheumatoid arthritis at Kenyatta National Hospital: a clinical and quality of life evaluation. Clinical rheumatology, 2007; 26:35 (abstract)."Owino B O, Oyoo G O, Otieno C F
- "The practice of Rheumatology in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities: ILAR visiting professorship program report. Clin Rheumatology 2006; 11:1-3."Oyoo, G O and Espinoza L R
- "Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of Health 2006; 10:59-63."Odhiambo F A and Oyoo G O.
- "Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. The Journal of Health 2006; 10:21-25."Odhiambo F A and Oyoo G O.
- "Solvent abuse: A case report. The journal of health 2006:10:26-28."Busulwa E and Oyoo G O.
- "Deep-vein thrombosis with severe pulmonary embolism in a 20 year old man. The journal of health 2006:10; 31-35."G.M. Moturi and Oyoo G. O.
- "Non-Compressive myelopathy: case report. The Journal of health. 2006:10; 36-41."Odhiambo F A and Oyoo, G O.
- "Rheumatoid Arthritis in Kenya: Need for guidelines on research and Management, East African Medical Journal 2005; 82:57-58."Oyoo, G O
- "Infection Related Vasculitis, Current Rheumatology Reports, 2005; 7:281-287."Oyoo, G O and Espinoza L R
- " Chondroitin and Glucosamine sulphate in osteoarthritis, Healthline-Nairobi, 2005; 9:29-30."Oyoo, G O
- "Quality of life issues in rheumatoid arthritis, Healthline-Nairobi, 2005; 9:1-2."Oyoo, G O
- " Rheumatoid arthritis in Nairobi: demographic observations, Healthline-Nairobi, 2005; 9:3-5."Oyoo, G O
- "Musculoskeletal disorders manifesting in thyroid diseases, Healthline-Nairobi, 2005; 9:6-8."Oyoo, G O
- " Musculoskeletal disorders in patients with diabetes mellitus: A review, Healthline-Nairobi, 2005; 9 : 9-11."Oyoo, G O.
- "Diabetic Ketoacidosis: risk factors, Mechanisms and management strategies in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review. East African Medical Journal 2005; 82; S197-S203."C F Otieno, J K Kayima, E O Omonge, and G O Oyoo.
- "Rheumatoid Arthritis: an Overview. The Nairobi Hospital Proceedings 2005; 9: 243-258."Oyoo G O, Owino B and Otieno C F
- "Osteoporosis: Silencing a silent disease. The Nairobi hospital proceedings. 2005; 9: S26-S29."Oyoo G O and Busulwa E.
- "Vasculitis in HIV: report of eight cases. East African medical journal 2005; 82:656-659."Otedo A E O, Oyoo G O, Obondi J O, and Otieno C F.
- "Human Rights, Poverty and Tuberculosis, Healthline-Nairobi, 2004; 8:55-56."Oyoo, G O
- " Rheumatic Disorders in Kenya: Spectrum of disease, Healthline- Nairobi, 2004; 8:63-66."Oyoo, G O
- "Gout in patients attending a rheumatology clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, Healthline -Nairobi, 2004; 8:67-70."Oyoo, G O
- "KAP Secretary speaks in New Orleans, Healthline-Nairobi, 2004; 8: 37-38 2003;"Oyoo, G O
- "Impact of HIV/AIDS on education in the sub-Saharan Africa, East African Medical Journal 2003; 80:609-610."Oyoo, G O
- " Antiretroviral therapy in Africa: Observation of world bodies, Healthline-Nairobi, 2003; 7: 55-56."Oyoo, G O
- "An Overview of Obesity, Healthline-Nairobi, 2003; 7:47-53."Mativo P M and Oyoo G O
- "Standards are the benchmark against which provision of care can be measured, Healthline-Nairobi 2003; 7: 67-71."Omondi E A and Oyoo G O
- "Rheumatic disorders in sub-Saharan Africa, East Africa Medical Journal 2002; 79:214-216."McGill, P E and Oyoo, G O
- "An approach to monoarthritis, Healthline-Nairobi, 2002; 6:51-53."Mody G M and Oyoo G O
- "Rheumatology in Kenya: 2002 and onwards, East African Medical Journal 2002; 79:194."Oyoo G O
- "Bronchiectasis: a review, Healthline-Nairobi 2000; 4:16-17."Oyoo G O
- "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the management of rheumatic diseases, Healthline-Nairobi 2000; 4:18-19."Oyoo G O
- "Obesity and musculoskeletal disease, Healthline-Nairobi, 2000; 437-39 1999."Oyoo G O
- "Clinical and socio-demographic aspects of congestive heart failure patients at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi, East African Medical Journal 1999; 76; 23-27."Oyoo G O and Ogola E N
- "Practicing medicine in the twenty first century, Healthline-Nairobi 1999; 3:1-2."Oyoo G O
- "Protocol of management of bronchial asthma in ambulatory care and emergency department, Healthline-Nairobi 1999; 3:33-37 1998."Oyoo G O and Odongo I O
- "AIDS in the African Context: a case for family involvement in the care of HIV-infected persons at home, Healthline-Nairobi 1998; 2:15-16."Oyoo G O
- "Human immunodeficiency virus infection: its prevalence and impact on the morbidity and mortality in patients with meningitis at Aga Khan Hospital, Nairobi, Healthline-Nairobi 1998; 2:27-29."Oyoo G O and Jowi J O
- "Rheumatic disorders and HIV infection: need for research and management guidelines, Healthline-Nairobi1998; 2:69-70."Oyoo G O
- "Mullerian agenesis: a case report, Nairobi Journal of Medicine 1988; 14:23-25. "Oyoo G O and Owende J
- "Traditional cardiovascular risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at Kenyatta national , Nairobi Kenya. International Journal of rheumatic diseases2012;15(Suppl.1):45-52"F kirui, G O Oyoo, E N Ogola and EO Amayo.
- "Peripheral arterial disease in Rheumatoid arthritis patients at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya. International Journal of rheumatic diseases2012;15(Suppl.1):45-52"B Ganda, G O Oyoo, M B Maritim, Kayima J K.
- "Prevalence of Gastroduodenal lessions in Chronic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug users presenting with dyspepsia at the Kenyatta National Hospital. International Journal of rheumatic diseases2012;15(Suppl.1):63-72"Wangeci W., Ogutu E O., Oyoo G O. Radia K, Kioko H M and Mutie T M.
- "Systemic lupus erythematosus at the Kenyatta National Hospital. International Journal of rheumatic diseases2012;15(Suppl.1): 77-84"Ekwom P E, Oyoo G O , Owino B O.
- "Prevalence of Fibromyalgia at the medical outpatient Clinic Kenyatta National Hospital. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2011; 63(10):1902."Dokwe Sophia, Oyoo G.O.
- "Rheumatic disorders in Kenya 1; Spectrum of disease. Clinical rheumatology 2007; 26:43 (abstract)."Oyoo G O
- "Gout in Patients attending a rheumatology Clinic in Nairobi, Kenya. Clinical rheumatology 2007; 26:42 (abstract)."Oyoo G O
- "Rheumatoid arthritis in Nairobi 1: Some demographic observations. Clinical rheumatology 2007; 26:43 (abstract)."Oyoo G O
- "Understanding arthritis: The silent Menace within. July 2013."Oyoo G O.
- "Rheumatoid arthritis :Manual for Doctors."Oyoo , G O and Adelowo F OO.
- "Rheumatoid arthritis: Manual for Patients."Adelowo F O O and Oyoo G O
- "Guidelines for the rational use of non-opioid analgesics in East Africa, GSK 2003."Lore W, Kibwage I, Mungerera M, Guantai A, Oyoo G O, Kagashe G, Nyikal J, Shah M V, Musau B, Chakaya J and Kahamba F
- "Pathfinder HIV/AIDS Training Manual: A manual for Training Early youth(10-15 years) on HIV/AIDS Prevention through behavior change, ADRA Kenya, 1998."Oyoo G O, Mhonie F, Gachie M, Yeri N, Yugi P, Odero P, Mwaura J, Maina S, Muga M and Ireri B
- " HIV Infection: Its Effect on Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Meningitis"
- "18th African Health Sciences Congress/14th ESSA/IEA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, April 1997."
- " Kenya Medical Association Annual Scientific Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, April 1997."
- "6th Aga Khan Hospital scientific conference, Nairobi, Kenya, September 1998."
- "Pleural Effusion as Seen at the Aga Khan Hospital, Nairobi."
- "6th Aga Khan Hospital scientific conference, Nairobi, Kenya, September 1998."
- "Clinical and Sociodemographic Aspects in Congestive Heart Failure Patients at Kenyatta Hospital, Nairobi."
- "1st Scientific Conference of the Kenya Association of Physicians, Nairobi, Kenya, September 1995."
- " 19th African Health Sciences Congress conference, Arusha, Tanzania, April 1998."
- "Kenya Medical Association Annual Scientific Conference, Eldoret, Kenya, April 1998."
- "6th Aga Khan Hospital scientific conference, Nairobi, Kenya, September 1998."
- "AIDS in the African Context: A Case for Family Involvement in the Care of HIV Infected Persons at Home."
- "19th African Health Sciences Congress, Arusha, Tanzania, April 1998."
- "Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Medical Association, Eldoret, Kenya, April 1998."
- "The Socio-economics of HIV Infection and AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa-Suggestions for Management and Care."
- "1st Kenya HIV/AIDS/STD conference, Nairobi, Kenya October 1993."
- " AIDS Control in Kenya: A Case of Work Half Done."
- "Mombasa district leaders’ workshop on AIDS, 1991, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "Coping with AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa."
- "National AIDS workshop for health education officers and national AIDS workshop for national women leaders, 1991, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "AIDS control: A Challenge to the 20th Century Doctors."
- " AIDS symposium for doctors from Mombasa District, 1991, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "Strategies for AIDS Cntrol in East Africa."
- "Continuing medical education conference for Christian physicians in East and Central Africa, Limuru, Kenya, 1991."
- "Preliminary Evaluation of Rheumatic Diseases in Kenya."
- "3rd African league against rheumatism conference (AFLAR) Music Conservatoire, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa, 1999."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians symposium on Rheumatology, February 2000, Nairobi, Kenya."
- " 28th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Medical Association (KMA), April 2000, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "Practicing Medicine in the 21st Century."
- "KMA Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Medical Association, April 2000, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "5th Annual Conference of the Kenya Association of Physicians September, 2000, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Past, Present and Future."
- "28th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Medical Association, April 2000, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "The lungs in Rheumatoid Arthritis."
- "29th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Medical Association, April 2001, Kisumu, Kenya."
- "Rheumatic Manifestations of Diabetes Mellitus."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, September 2000, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Rheumatic Diseases and the Lungs."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians Symposium on Rheumatology, October 2001, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Introduction to Rheumatology."
- " Kenya Association of Physicians Symposium on Rheumatology, October 2001 Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians Symposium on Rheumatology, October 2001, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "African League against Rheumatism/Association for Arthritis and Rheumatic Disorders of Kenya Symposium on Rheumatology, May 2002, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "ABC of Gout."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians Symposium on Rheumatology, October 2001 Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Rheumatoid Arthritis and SLE as Specific Cardiovascular Risk Factors."
- "28th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Cardiac Society, October 2001, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Rheumatic Disorders in HIV Infection."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians symposium on HIV/AIDS, November 2001, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Medical Association, April 23-26, 2003 - Mombasa, Kenya."
- "Non-steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs, cox-2 inhibitors and Paracetamol in Management of Rheumatic Diseases."
- "First East African Analgesics Workshop, December 2001, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "AFLAR/AARD Symposium in Rheumatology, May 2002, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Obesity and Musculoskeletal Disease."
- "AFLAR/AARD Symposium in Rheumatology, May 2002, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Monthly Scientific Meeting of the Kenya Orthopaedics Club, March 2002, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "The 8th International Scientific Conference of the Aga Khan Hospital, September 2002, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Rationale for Guidelines on Non-opiod Analgesics."
- "Uganda Medical Association Annual Scientific Conference, 31st October 2002, Kampala, Uganda."
- "The Challenges of Home-based Care for Persons with AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa."
- "United States Department of State Leadership and Policy Development workshop, October 19-23, 2003, Wyndham Hotel, Washington, DC, USA."
- "Osteoporosis: Silencing a Silent Disease."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians Annual Scientific Conference March 2007, Eldoret, Kenya."
- "Kenya Association of Physicians Annual Scientific Conference March 2006, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "The Nairobi Hospital Annual Medical Symposium, May 2006."
- "Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society conference, February 2014, Nyeri, Kenya."
- "Anti Phospholipid Syndrome: An Overview."
- "The Regional Rheumatology Course, the Aga khan University Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. March 2006."
- "West African Rheumatology Update Meeting, May 2009 Lagos, Nigeria."
- "Difficult Gout"
- "12th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya association of physicians, March 2008,The Grand Regency hotel, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Fibromyalgia: Hard Facts from an Invisible Disorder."
- "12th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya association of physicians, March 2008,The Grand Regency hotel, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "Rheumatoid Arthritis: Current Therapeutic Strategies."
- "Africa experience Exchange Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis."
- "Workshop, July 2008, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya."
- "15 th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya association of Physicians, Imperial Hotel Kisumu, Kenya March 2011"
- "Kenya Orthopaedics Society Meeting, June 2011, Naivasha, Kenya."
- "Can We Cure Rheumatoid Disease (Arthritis)?"
- "Africa experience Exchange Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis."
- "Workshop, July 2008, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya"
- "Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis: Diagnostic Challenges."
- "14th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Association of Physicians, March 2010, Travellers Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya."
- "Articular Manifestations of Patients with HIV Infection at Kenyatta National Hospital."
- "Annual Scientific meeting of the American College of Rheumatology,2009 Philadelphia, USA."
- "Ssystemic Sclerosis at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi."
- "6th African Congress of Rheumatology, Algiers, Algeria."
- "Musculoskeletal Rheumatic Diseases at Kenyatta National Hospital."
- "6th African Congress of Rheumatology, April2011, Algeirs, Algeria."
- "15th Annual Scientific Conference of the Kenya Association of Physicians, Imperial hotel Kisumu ,Kenya March 2011"
- "7th Congress of the African League of associations for rheumatology, Durban, Republic of South Africa.2013."
- "Looking into the Future of Rheumatology"
- "West African Rheumatology Update Meeting, May 2009 Lagos , Nigeria."
- "Annual Scientific Conference of American College of Rheumatology, Atlanta, Georgia 2010."
- "Rheumatology workforce in Africa: The challenges of providing care with limited resources including workforce."
- "Global meeting of the bone and joint decade, Vietnam 2012"
- "Health care worker training programmes: Sharing the Kenyan experience"
- "Global meeting of the bone and joint decade, Vietnam 2012"
- "Review of current workforce for rheumatology in all the countries in Africa"
- "Annual Scientific Conference of American College of Rheumatology, Washington DC, USA 2012"
- "7th Congress of the African League of associations for rheumatology, Durban, Republic of South Africa.2013"
- "Educational initiatives in Kenya- From Community workers to Specialist Training"
- "Annual Scientific Conference of American College of Rheumatology, Washington DC, USA 2012"
- "7th Congress of the African League of associations for rheumatology, Durban, Republic of South Africa.2013"
- "Cardiovascular risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis at Kenyatta national , Nairobi Kenya."
- "7th Congress of the African League of associations for rheumatology, Durban, Republic of South Africa.2013"
- "Women's health issues in Systemic Lupus erythematosus"
- "Kenya Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society conference, February 2014, Nyeri, Kenya"
- "Kenya Association of Physicians conference, March 2014, Athi River, Kenya"
- "Stemming the tide of Osteoporosis epidemic"
- "Kenya Association of Physicians conference, March 2014, Athi River, Kenya"
- "Rheumatology emergencies"
- "Kenya Association of Physicians conference, March 2014, Athi River, Kenya"
Admission Rights
Mater HospitalNairobi Hospital
Insurance Recognition
Jubilee, Britam, Heritage Insurance, First Assurance, AAR, CICLanguages Spoken
Swahili, English,
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Email: geomondi@hotmail.comPhone:
First Practice
Nairobi Arthritis Clinic, Bishops Rd, Fort Granites Flats, Suite B4 (off Valley road) geomondi@hotmail.com
Phone Number
Opening Hours 08:00:00
Closing Hours 18:00:00